Kamis, 21 Mei 2009


hmmm dia kirim buku yang membuat gw tersentuh..ternyata gw punya juga sahabat yang menurut gw ini bener-bener sahabat. gw nyangka gw bakal bersahabat dengan ini orang hehehhe.
btw pada saat gw merayakan ulang taun dia kirim sesuatu buat gw. walaupun ini orang udah jauh dinegri orang tetapi usahanya untuk mengirimkan kado buat gw sangat luar biasa...thanks cia..
kado yang dikirim adalah sebuah buku, dimana buku itu menceritakan tentang persahabatan dengan judul " Friends to the end". isi dari buku itu adalah sebagai berikut :

its not easy finding the word to talk about a friendship like ours,
which is strange, considering how close we have become
there have been so many times when wo both needed a shoulder to cry on
or a snout to sigh on.....and so fort
it makes me wonder, how can we possibly express what friends are really worth?
what makes friendship, especially a friendship like ours, so special?
contrary to popular belief, it is actually possible to survive without friends
indeed, there are few genuine advantages to being alone,
and there are also some activities that, frankly, shouldn't involve anybody else
it's scientific fact that the time spent in quiet isolation
thingking about our lives is vital to a healthy state of mind,
as long as we don't do much of it
at the end of the day, we are social creatures
who find that being with other people and bringing people together are very fulfilling experiences,
theres is a curious fact about friendship that we have always known but rarely acknowledge.
by understanding other, we also come closer to understanding ourselves,
what we look for and value in our friends are the very same qualities
we are most proud of or wish were more evident in ourselves
so in no small way, our friends tell us a lot about who we are
and who we aren't.
we all have many different types of friends - from the person
we simply smile at and high-five over the watercooler
to our childhood pals
there is "the gang" we hang out with from time to time
and the buddies with whom we deconstruct the workweek
over a relaxing aperitif or an episode of sex in the city, or both.
there are also the lucky individuals with whom
we are especially close
and there are even imaginary friends. (but now we are starting to enter jerry springer territory...so we'll just move right along.)
genuine friendship are founded on a shared vision- the view that our lives are somehow better because particular people are part of them
despite numerous differences, real friends see eye to eye on all the issues that matter. our common values, passions, concerns and mutual respect enhance our life experiences as a whole
friends genuinely care about each other,
we can always count on our pals to watch our back, and look out for our best interests.
this fait in our friends grows as each of us helps the other move forward in life.
it's the same trust we count on when we share secret, ask if our tie is on straight
or need our hair teased just so a friend is there to help keep our chin up, no matter what it takes.
a friend knows when we need a hug or a tension-relieving back rub.
friends know when to offer serious counsel and thoughtful, heartfelt advice, and they know when to say,'hey the long face?snap out of it!!'
most important, friends know when to just sit quietly beside us and say nothing at all.
obviously, the best thing about our friends is that we have fun together. lost of fun.
we go adventures, scream out the lyrics at bon jovi concerts,
and basically get ourselves into bizarre but enjoyable situation that probably don't make a lot of sense to any body else.
of course, very relationship of note comes with a price.
some friends need so much support they become a burden.
even soul mates can't agree on absolutely everything all the time. this is just something we have accept.
in fact, there are accasions when our friend, knowing us as well as they do, seem as if they are deliberately trying to drive us crazy.
some riends develope an unheathly admiration for our personal fashion sense or just have gross habits they simply cannot kick.
event our closest friend can unhinge us by insisting on setting us up with blind dates who care as alarmingly inappropriates as they are enthusiastic.
or by opening their big mouths at inopportune moments
and suddenly everyone at the office knows you always wear 'lucky' leopard-print underwear on a third date.
nevertheless, after a suitable period of time in self-imposed exile where we can scream until our tonsils shatter.
we eventually shrug our shoulders, forgive them and move on.
because that's just what friends do.
by far the worst thing about friend is having them leave.whether they move to another city or to another country, this is the saddest of good-byes,
aspecially if we know we have seen them for the very last time.
thinking about losing friends, though it makes us feel incredibly sad, is actually very healthy if it reminds us how special our friends are and that they cannot be replaced.
you could search the whole world looking for a friendship like ours, and you would only wear out a good pair of feet.
great friends cannot be manufactured in a labolatory by an evil genius we cannot order a friend delivered to our door like pizza.
or download one from the internet. however, there are potentially wonderful friends all over the place just waitingto be met. we could find them at the office;
we could stumble acroos them in the park; we could meet them at a quiet soiree. who knows?
and other who frustrate, aggravate and infuriate us to the point of madness.
area friendship is something we both have to build - in many ways it's a journey we take together.
the key to starting on the right foot is not to try an impress anybody.
no one can keep up the act forever, so you may as well just be yourself form day one - they can like it or lump it.
take your time getting to know each other. whats the hurry?
ideally, we want friendship with whom well grow closer and closer as we get older, so its makes sense to invest a little time and energy finding out who they really are.
after a few conversation, you may find that despite all the indications, you really have nothing on common.
you may also unearth an ugly side of their personalities that you weren't aware of. they may turn out to be chronic air kissers, unbearable drama queens, or bulies who bite your head off whenever things don't go their way. they may become unreliable, forgetting the call and then leaving you hanging after you have cancelled all your other plans, which couses your self-esteem to plummet to unfathomable new depths.
then again, they may like you to much, smothering you with excessive affection
and finding it impossible to accept that you have other important people in your life. suddenly, thing don't sem to be quite as much fun as they once where.
not all friendship turn out to be really rewarding, but if you end up in a stinker, it's because you've compromised what is really important to you. you cannot be there for anyone else if you are not first to your self. we all want and deserve a friend with whom we trully connect in a meaningful way.
someone who acknowledges our fears and limitations withour judgement and encourages us to reach further than we ever thought possible.
a friend with whom we share things that are most precious to us - the belly loughs and the sorrows. a friend who will see our hidden qualities
and like us for exactly who we are without reservation, thus helping us fulfill our extraordianry potential.
true friends make us smile as soon as we see them waving to us across a room they lighten our heart without even trying, so that time spent together feels like a little slice of christmas.
whit a real friend, we know exactly what they are thinking without having to say a word.
this connection is completly unique. at times it's as if we are the only two people on this earth. friendship is a special type of partnership based on the profound understanding that together the impossible becomes delicously possible.
it is an unspoken yet binding commitment to help each other live our lives to the fullest.
i knor how lucky i am to have a friend like that, and i just want to say that no matter what happens, you will never be alone because you will always be my friend...always"

fiuhhhh cape juga ngetiknya..pegel pinggang hehhehe.. walaupun harus kerja keras untuk menterjemahkannya dan mengerti dari maksud buku ini. tapi gw menangkap intisari dari buku ini.
buku ini sangat mengingat kan gw sama sahabat gw ini. sampe-sampe buku ini jadi rebutan antara gw sama ponakan gw, gw gak akan kasih kesiapapun buku ini karena ini merupakan pemberian yang menurut gw tidak ada nilainya alias sangat berharga buat gw.
thanks cia udah mau jadi sahabat gw selama ini walaupun sekarang kita cuma bisa komunikasi lewat telpon, ym and sms.
lu udah banyak dengerin gw dan kasih banyak hadiah buat gw, tapi gw heheheh sampe sekarang hadiah ultah lu aja belum gw kirim (gak tau diri ya gw). sorry ya waktu pas terakhir lu disini kita gak bisa banyak main bareng ataupun foto bareng. tapi gw bakal tunggu lu kalo lu balik kita langsung hunting bareng gw mau liat camera lu wakakkaak jangan cuma pamerin foto-fotonya doang ke gw, cuma bikin sirik doang.
gw kadang merindukan dering telpon itu, dimana kita bisa ketawa-ketawa malem atau dengerin lu nangis atau curhat yang gak penting atau celaan lu tentang Hp gw yang sering banget mati atau sinyal yang gak jelas. hik hik hik....sedih juga ngingetnya

sampe ketemu di Jakarta cia.....

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